Supportive Community Connection Opportunity #4 With Our Team at A Garden For Wellness

Adapt, Adjust and Accommodate to these recent changes. We are interested in how you are. The connection will include education followed by a guided meditation on
Tuesday, 4-21-20 at 4:30 pm. Zoom ID 503930522 or click HERE password 162397
Listen to a short Deana talk with a guided meditation from 3-24-20 HERE
We're all the cutting edge of this together so how can we make your experience better? Please let us know HERE
From now until we reopen the shala all class zoom ids will be the same for the specific class. For example, if you take a Monday 11:00 am class that zoom id will be the same until we reopen for classes. This is to make it easier for the students and teachers as we're trying to ween off zoom class link emails. You can copy and paste the zoom link for each class in Vagaro online and through the app. If you have questions please reach out to us HERE
We have been donated, by 2 Gifting Angels, funds to cover classes for those in need and unable to pay. If this applies to you or someone you know please reach out to us HERE and tell us about the situation.
Cooper has also been gifted some hypnotherapy sessions for people who are in need but don't have funds to pay. Please reach out to HERE
PLEASE NOTE Now that Spring is here, Saturday 11:00 am Yoga will move to 9:00 am beginning 4-18-20. Join us as we start the day a little earlier.
You can now order your Standard Process supplements online in Clarkesville
- Go to Standard Process
- Click Patient Direct
- Under Patients click Register
- Scroll down to enter Health Care Professional's Patient Direct Code 7RGYDB
- Click Verify and Agree
- Next screen enter your personal information, Click Next
- Agree to Terms of Agreement and Privacy Policy
- Enter code to prove you're not a robot
- Click Register
Your request will be sent to us for approval. Please allow us time to process the request. You will receive an email when approved and then may proceed placing your order. If you have questions please contact us at (706) 754-8899 or email us at
Nancy Gnecco offers FREE EFT
At a time when fear is all around us, it's hard not to be affected. Even those of us who are striving to remain unafraid of the virus itself or the state of the economy are being inundated with media hype and with the fear of those around us. We know that fear causes the body to be in a state of stress and this stress compromises the immune system. Nancy Gnecco, LPC and EFT Founding Master is offering free (or love offering) individual sessions on Skype or FaceTime for The Garden community. If you would like to set up an appointment please text her at (207) 604-8366 or email
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a self-administered meridian based therapy that has been shown to significantly reduce stress and anxiety. Please check out Nancy's website for more information about EFT:
The Newsletter will now be available on our website under the tab Newsletter
From Deana: 3 ways to combat Victim Consciousness & Implore Creative Consciousness.
If you are home and wondering what to do with your self consider a 21 dietary cleanse. Dr. Deana can create a program for you that is safe and effective to give you the health boost during this season of spring. She is also available virtually for all services regarding Nutrition, supplements and herbs.
If you are in pain and would like to experience a technique that empowers you to shift your own pain. Dr. Deana can guide you virtually on how to reorganize your neurology and make the necessary shifts your body is calling you to. Call now (706) 754-8899 or email and schedule a Pain Integration Experience.
If you are interested or in need of a tool to assist you in navigating you through the new currents of our times, consider using this time to get more empowered by scheduling a private virtual Somato Respiratory Integration session with Dr. Deana.
Somato Respiratory Integration or (SRI) is a means of gaining the wisdom and secrets withheld from you body/mind through the use of your own hands, breath and spontaneously occurring movements. It is an unparalleled tool for personal healing and empowerment.
For Gift Certificates Only
If you are not currently using your gift certificate with our zoom classes and or zoom services, then we will offer an extension on the expiration date of the gift certificate. The extension will be directly proportional to the length of time of our PAUSE. For example if the expiration date is April 1 and our pause is two weeks the new expiration day is April 15th.
We surrender our garden to the divine. May all thoughts, words and deeds be for the highest good of all in all the times and all the realms.
*By Appointment Only
11:00am - 6:00pm
11:00am - 5:30pm
11:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
*See Movement Classes Hours
A Garden For Wellness
140 Laprade St
Clarkesville, GA 30523