A Gateway To The Extraordinary

A Gateway To The Extraordinary

Chiropractic Clarkesville GA Wellness Yoga

Class Update

Saturday morning Yoga will move from 9:00 am to 10:00 am beginning October 3rd

Yoga in the Park will finish up in September but weather permitting we may offer Pop Up Yoga in the Park. Stay Tuned!

Sunday Yoga with Shelby 10-11 and 10-25 from 3-4 pm

SRI October 10th 1-3 pm $30

October 15th at 6:00 pm An Evening with Deana an Initial Exploration of Network Spinal.

Health is a state of mind. Wellness is a state of being.

Did you ever wonder about:

What small self care commitments, make the largest impacts on the quality of your life, your health and the world around you?

What is a conservative, affordable, effective and powerful way to take care of you and your family's life and health? How to contribute to the betterment of humanity? How a local contact, can have a global impact?

Then join Dr. Deana Brooksher for an informative talk on Thursday, October 15th at 6 pm.

If you would prefer to come in person please reserve your space as it is limited or click HERE to join by zoom

Chiropractic Clarkesville GA Stages of Healing October 2020

Starting in September, Shelby's Yin classes will move to the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month from 3 to 4 PM. Join her to relax and rejuvenate for the week ahead. Each class will feature gentle stretching, quiet reflection, and deep relaxation.

Chiropractic Clarkesville GA Sunday Yoga October 2020

Chiropractic Clarkesville GA Network Spinal October 2020

Chiropractic Clarkesville GA Schedule October 2020


*By Appointment Only

11:00am - 6:00pm

11:00am - 5:30pm


11:00am - 6:00pm

9:00am - 1:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

*See Movement Classes Hours

A Garden For Wellness

140 Laprade St
Clarkesville, GA 30523

(706) 754-8899