Classes in Clarkesville GA

Chiropractic Clarkesville GA Movement Classes

Take a look at the schedule of classes offered at our Clarkesville GA wellness clinic.

Class Schedule in Clarkesville GA


Back to Basics Yoga: with Candy
Price: $10
This class is slower paced and focused on developing clear and safe alignment in foundational poses. Come to learn, play, and maybe even break a sweat in a supportive environment. All bodies are welcome.

2:00pm - 3:00pm
Core Stretch & Spinal Hygiene: with Dr. Vanessa Gale
*SilverSneakers Eligible
This class is a series of gentle standing, seated, and reclined exercises and stretches to mobilize and stabilize your spine and all other major joints of the body. Dr. Vanessa has designed this sequence for people of all ages to implement these simple, yet effective, movement patterns into their everyday life to help restore your confidence in their physical abilities and to prevent future injuries. This class can be done on the massage tables or the floor.


2:00pm - 3:00pm
Senior Stretch & Strengthening 1: with Dr Deana Brooksher
*SilverSneakers Eligible
Using the Active isolated stretching, the AIS method developed by Aaron Mattes, you will learn the basic protocols for the neck, shoulders, and hips to increase flexibility, which will reduce pain, lessen the chance of injury, and lead to a better quality of life.

10:30am - 11:30am
QiGong: with Jen Lynch Fitzgerald. Licensed Acupuncturist

Qigong is a gentle system of intentional movement, postures, breath and meditation. These practices are derived from traditional Chinese Medicine, for the purpose of building and supporting strong, healthy life force or Qi.

In this class we use Qigong practices to cultivate our Qi, as well as flexibility, strength, balance and joy. We focus on nature as our guide for supporting ourselves throughout the seasons of the year, as well as the seasons of our lives.


10:00am - 11:00am
NIA: with Randi Krasnoff
Price: $15
NIA or Neuromuscular Integrative Action is a blend of martial arts, dance and spiritual self-healing. A holistic movement and wellness practice, NIA provides somatic movement training for any person in any body to nourish the mind, body and soul.

Slow Flow: Slow Hatha/ Flow with Laci Carlson RYT-200 (NEW! BEGINS APRIL 24th!)
Price: $15
This class is for all levels of practice and abilities. This soothing gentle practice focuses on moving slowly into yoga poses while using the breath as a tool to remain present and mindful. The slow pace of the class allows you to enjoy each pose. Expect lots of stretching and lengthening with a heavy dose of relaxation to wrap up your practice and leave you feeling happy and energized.


1:30pm - 2:30pm
Chair Yoga: with Deana Brooksher
*SilverSneakers Eligible
Standing and chair postures only. This class is designed especially for those having challenges getting up off the floor from the mat. It will be traditional and modified yoga postures, pranayama and meditation all wrapped in a 60 minute class. All are Welcome!


10:00am - 11:00am
Price: $10
Joint Freeing, Strength, and Balance Yoga: with Candy Gay
This class is designed to move each joint gently and systematically through its full and natural range of motion, to enhance mobility and often relieve joint pain. We will also focus on safely building strength and balance.


Community Yoga
Price: Pay What You Want
A donation based/pay what you want opportunity to experience yoga with a community and a variety of guest teachers. This is a great way to try out different yoga styles and forms or even to try yoga for the very first time! Start your weekend off right with a dose of relaxation and self care!


*By Appointment Only

11:00am - 6:00pm

11:00am - 5:30pm


11:00am - 6:00pm

9:00am - 1:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

*See Movement Classes Hours

A Garden For Wellness

140 Laprade St
Clarkesville, GA 30523

(706) 754-8899